I'm finally getting a chance to link up with Five Minute Friday! It feels like forever since I wrote something for the sheer pleasure of it. My school work has to take precedence so it takes up my brain space.
But, today's prompt just made me smile. PLACE
I have finally found my PLACE. I have a tribe. I have a church. I have a family. But, I have been without a PLACE for so long I didn't realize how much I missed it.
I never really wanted to work outside the home. I have enjoyed other spaces and employers but not like this one.
I feel like I really belong here. It is my super-busy-rest-while-I-work hard-serving-PLACE.
One might wonder why I feel so at home on the psychiatric units of our regions largest hospital. Or, if you've known me a while, maybe you know exactly why.
I love serving hard working care givers. I am the caregiver for the caregivers - the one who fills in the gaps, gets things done, has fresh eyes, and a responsive heart. I don't do much with or for the patients. Occaisonally I serve the relatives of the patients, but typically, I show up to serve those caring for their patients.
They pour heart and soul into their patients. Caring for the lost, broken, sad, lonely, angry, afraid, and other displays of trauma and pain is their gift, their skill, their offering to this world.
I am so thankful to call this my PLACE.