Thursday, June 27, 2019

How do I change the WORLD?!

I can't believe it's been since the end of May that I've blogged with the Five Minute Friday peeps! We get a one word prompt and cram for five minutes on that word with minimal edits - the point is to write. No pressure. No worries. Just let the words fall out that go with the prompt.

This week's prompt is WORLD.


How do you change the WORLD?!

One moment at a time. One smile. One breath. One prayer. One song. One laugh. One yes. One

When I think about it, I know the influence I have as a human in this WORLD is incremental. If I lose sight of those small increments, I will never influence the life, blessing, kindness, love, respect and joy I want to infuse into this hard place we dwell.

Sweeping tragedies, hardened hearts, acid tongues, self-hating thoughts push and shove to take authority of the WORLD around me.

But, I can choose.

One moment at a time. One smile. One breath. One prayer. One song. One laugh. One yes. One

And change the WORLD.


This song - Blesses me like crazy! I hope it blesses you too!

School, work, packing, moving, getting kids out of school, finishing PTO responsibilities, the list goes on... but, today, I'm back!

I have to write on Thursday night, because I never know what the next day will bring!

Thanks for reading!