It's that time again! I love linking up with my Five Minute Friday friends each week to write spontaneously for five minutes on a one word prompt.
Today's word: SEASON
My favorite definition of SEASON is this: to mature, ripen or condition by exposure to suitable conditions or treatment - a writer seasoned by experience.
We have these three green fruits hanging off our family tree.
They are full of promise.
Sweet fragrant flowers fresh from Heaven scented.
Wobbly toddly tippy head level with every doorknob.
Bigger, taking up more space
Fresh is not the fragrance description any longer.
We wonder if we are providing the nourishing conditions they need.
Bumps into other green fruit make bruises happen.
Exposure to outside environments we hope aren't too toxic.
Expanding into their destiny on the tree.
Praying this SEASONing will ultimately ripen them into delicious examples of God's goodness.
What a beautiful picture. I love your definition of season. :D
(visiting from FMF #62)