This is a portion of a longer blog I will post later today. The Five Minute Friday prompt was so relevant to my world, I pulled a chunk for posting here.
Parenting sons with ADHD, Chronic Pain, and Tourette's Syndrome is
a high intensity and often thankless endurance level race with no finish line.
My heart hurts (with their struggles). My head hurts (from the mental endurance
and research required to navigate all of this). My spirit is in fervent and
constant contact with the only Resource I know has their best interests in
mind. I cling to the verse, “The Lord is NEAR to the heartbroken…”
(Ps 34:18 AMP). The joy, peace, and hope are tangible too, a lovely part of being NEAR to the One who holds us all in capable hands with limitless options and provision.
Our circles of friends have shrunken like grapes into raisins due
to lack of mental, emotional, physical time and opportunity. Our agreement is
that there is no one and nothing more important than being present and
parenting these amazing people we've been entrusted with.
We prayed and waited for over nine years to get pregnant and live
this life. We are here. Now is the time. Everything else, for the most part, is
on hold or in the background. The friends that support and encourage us are
kept very NEAR and the ones who we love but don't do frequent life with, we

If you want to read the full length version of this blog, join me here or my website It will be posted by 5pm today Dec 1, 2017.
Thoughts and prayers. You're collecting jewels.