Saturday, September 8, 2018

Let it RAIN

Five Minute Friday prompt this week is RAIN. I had to ponder it all day and here it is the VERY end of the day and I'm finally typing out my musings.

The song, Let It Rain, by Michael W Smith, came out in a traumatic season in my life. It's super repetitive and one my now Heaven residing Grandfather would call a 24/7 song. You sing the same song with seven lines twenty four times. He was funny that way. He preferred the hymns with the sacred words that matched his journey.

RAIN is refreshing to me. I don't find it gloomy, I find it washes away the yuck. That's why the song resonated with me so much. I needed a downpour of RAIN to was away my pain.

I've also prayed the same kind of prayer over my kids their whole lives:

God, please wash away the residue of the day. Refresh, restore and renew them, body, mind and spirit, in Jesus name amen.

I know we all get the residue of the day stuck to us. I know the True RAIN washes it away. The pain, the challenge, the struggle remains, but that soap scum-life residue that threatens to cling to the shower walls of our lives, that can be washed away.

Praying for you to experience True RAIN in your heart tonight.


  1. "Healing rain is falling down. I'm not afraid. I'm not afraid."

    The word rain reminded me of this song too. Thank you for this encouragement to pause and ask God to wash all the gunk away. I am stopping by from Five Minute Friday.

  2. Thank you for these encouraging words, Jennifer---even at the end of the day. :) My FMF post was later than it's ever been, as I just finished it a few minutes ago, and it definitely isn't Friday anymore. I too am thankful for the cleansing of the rain. God bless.
