Friday, December 7, 2018

Five Minute Friday: BALANCE?!

Today's Five Minute Friday prompt is one I have wrestled with for years.

I have concluded: looking for, pursuing and seeking BALANCE is a waste of time.

I've spent more time trying to do that than being present. In life. What I've found in trying to find BALANCE is I spend more time wondering/worrying if something I'm doing or not doing is the right thing. Spending time trying to find BALANCE is like standing in the middle of a teeter totter while kids, church, school, dog, neighbors, friends, family and whoever else, jump on and off of either side randomly and with varying intensity. That is not a wise place to stand, as far as I'm concerned.

Snagged this from Google
I'd rather be on one side, adjusting as needed to the ups and downs as they come, being fully present in what is - which I believe is way more valuable and effective not only for my heart and mind but for the people around me.

And then there's this...

“I can confidently say that stories of pain and courage almost always include two things: praying and cussing. Sometimes at the exact same time.” ― BrenĂ© Brown, Braving the Wilderness: The Quest for True Belonging and the Courage to Stand Alone

This book changed me. It gave me permission to do exactly what I wrote above. My faith was strengthened, my trust in who God created me to be and what He built me to say was reinforced so I can be fully present, regardless of what happens, making the need for BALANCE irrelevant.


  1. Thank you Jennifer for sharing your insight! I love the teeter totter analogy. I also love Brene Brown! I agree that balance is not the goal at all. I have been reading Jocelyn Green's "Free to Lean" which talks about God's message to us and it certainly isn't balance. It's picking up our cross and following Him wholeheartedly daily and that requires me to be all in, which usually is not "balanced" at all. Keep sharing!

  2. Standing in the center of the teeter-totter certainly was a terrifying thrill! Glad I don't have anything to prove anymore. As you said, " fully present" is what God calls us to be.
    Paying a neighborly visit from FMF. God bless!

  3. Ah yes the Teeter Totter! I get it. I used it too. Bless you! God must want to say something to His women.:)

  4. Yes we both heard from Him. Teeter Totter life is well all about balancing Him over instabilities that come our way. :) VISITING from FMF

  5. The most powerful prayers are accompanied by the most vivid profanities; this I have learned from pancreatic cancer.

    balance is a First-World problem; in the bush, survival's the only thing that lets you try to do good tomorrow, and sometime's survival's ugly.

    #1 at FMF this week.
