Friday, October 26, 2018

Can You Give Me A MOMENT?!

I am seriously annoyed by the rapid fire challenges heading my direction these days. A few have had life altering potential but some are just plain old look up to the sky and say, "Really? Just a MOMENT to breathe would be amazing!"

Our guys are doing pretty well these days, mostly. Until:

  • Fixated girl demands attention to the point where the S.R.O. (school cop) has to get involved 
  • Several authority figures accuse for things not done 
  • Smack talk the wrong kid and a sharp right hook knocks unconscious requiring EMS, police, security, video surveillance, Emergency Dept, doctors, MRI, CT, concussion 

I told my Love I felt I needed a prize for getting through this week. Just a MOMENT to celebrate survival.

But I keep going - Five Minute Friday today with the prompt MOMENT.
Pictures from a few years ago when
I thought parenting was challenging.


  1. I feel you there, sometimes I just want a moment to get my head together. Hope we both get more breathing room soon. Stopping by from FMF.

  2. Praying your moments go better next week. Thanks for sharing.
