Saturday, October 27, 2018

Living the WHOLE Dream

My friend Ken and I were talking the other day about the difference between living the dream and just dreaming.

We decided that it takes hard committed work to live the WHOLE dream. The effort to have an amazing marriage, to maintain quality relationships, and make memories that last a lifetime are worth it - if you don't settle. 

And by settling, I mean, not giving up the passion to see the dream I'm living. The WHOLE dream of  having a marriage that's work but work worth doing, being a parent, and having a home I love to be in. Living the WHOLE dream isn't living without flaws and challenges, it's seeing the dream as the perfect and imperfect beauty that it is. 

I am sure I need to focus more often, like I did on this picture, knowing I am living my WHOLE dream. Right now. Today.

Only a few more days of my Five Minute Free Write challenge - today's word is WHOLE.

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