Sunday, December 20, 2015

Why Live Courageous?

I Live Courageous! because

Two years ago, December 2013 I wrote THIS.

And to break out from that horrible place, one of the things I did was THIS.

Then I decided to learn to ski. 

My first ski instructor had one leg. "Lefty". 

But then:
December 26, 2014 I wrecked my knee. I was practicing before my second ski lesson with my Love on the beginner hill. I fell and heard a pop. I assumed since I was over 40 my body would make noises when I was learning a new skill. I got up, fell, got up, crashed, got up, slid down the hill and decided to take the lift to the top and try some more. I fell down again. And again. This time he said it didn't even look like I was trying to stay upright. Turns out, I didn't have a ligament to stand on (I didn't know that yet). I kept at it until I hurt too bad to clip into my skis anymore.

Several weeks of crutches (while my Love had to travel for work), tests, evaluations, and an MRI, I had someone else's Achilles tendon (I am grateful for those who donate their parts when they don't need them anymore.) installed as my new anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). It was a major endeavor and required many hours, weeks, months of pain, stretching, physical therapy, etc. It essentially took over my entire life and I already had a busy one!

EVERY YEAR is going to require some amount of COURAGE. 

A few big things required me to Live Courageous! in 2015:

I worked hard to rehab my knee, including admitting I needed to do something to control my downward spiral into another bout of depression due to spending the winter on my butt and on crutches. Once you go into remission in clinical depression, it is extremely hard to admit you are sliding back into the hole. 


I walked with my best friend through a breast cancer diagnosis, double mastectomy, reconstruction surgery, a new relationship, proposal and marriage. Keeping my head (and encouraging them even when I was afraid she would lose her life) focused on God and His provision for that season. 


I did my fifth sprint triathlon - these pictures - posting them.


Best swim time ever.

Headed out on the bike ride.

About to cross the finish line!

And finally, I quit my job at a place I love with people I love to start a career doing what I love - COACH


In 2016 I know COURAGE will be required of me to do these things: 

  • Building a business actively cheering you to Live Courageous!
  • Remaining transparent and professional - a delicate balance for me
  • Training and Finishing the Half Ironman Coeur d'Alene June 26, 2016
  • And... only God knows what else... 

I Live Courageous! because I want to squeeze every drop out of life. I've survived feeling stuck and I never want to feel that way again. 

Now it's your turn. 

Do you want to Live Courageous! ? 

What Courageous plans do you have for 2016?

Please answer one or more of these questions in the comments below. I'd love to hear from you!

Can I help you Live Courageous! ? Don't hesitate to email me  if you would like a free 30 minute consultation. My introduction rates will expire at midnight (PST) on January 1, 2016. I can Skype anywhere in the world, so don't let location put you off of moving forward. 

Friday, December 4, 2015

The SEASONing of Sons

It's that time again! I love linking up with my Five Minute Friday friends each week to write spontaneously for five minutes on a one word prompt.

Today's word: SEASON


My favorite definition of SEASON is this: to mature, ripen or condition by exposure to suitable conditions or treatment - a writer seasoned by experience.

We have these three green fruits hanging off our family tree.

They are full of promise.
Sweet fragrant flowers fresh from Heaven scented.
Wobbly toddly tippy head level with every doorknob.
Bigger, taking up more space
Fresh is not the fragrance description any longer.
We wonder if we are providing the nourishing conditions they need.
Bumps into other green fruit make bruises happen.
Exposure to outside environments we hope aren't too toxic.
Expanding into their destiny on the tree.
Praying this SEASONing will ultimately ripen them into delicious examples of God's goodness.


Friday, November 20, 2015

DWELL - Where Do You Long To Be?

I'm joining the Five Minute Friday writers this week. Our prompt: DWELL

The first thing that popped into my mind when I thought of this word was this verse:

"Forget the former things; do not DWELL on the past." Isaiah 43:18  

The former Me - in 2013:  

Since I started my business Live Courageous Coaching on the first of October this year, I have been challenged to walk the new path set before me. Self-employed life gives me regular opportunities to doubt my calling and retreat in my mind back to past misfires in my past. Then He beckons me to come into His presence and trust Him to give me the courage to stand in all He has provided in and through me for this new adventure. 

For the first time in my life I am living fully in my original design, conquering my long time battle with clinical depression, and meeting the temptation to DWELL on the past with fresh vision for the future not only for myself but for those I am coaching. 

The next verse says, "See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland." Isaiah 43:19

Many of my past experiences have left me feeling stuck in the wilderness or thirsty in the wasteland. 

Now, I am able to live the NEW thing where He is making a way. 

The new me - DWELLing in 2015:

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Three Steps To Have A Superhero Day

More often than not:

I'm sure I can rock the day, the tasks, the relationships and the surprises arriving on my path. YOU can have days like that. Lots of them! 

Some days:
This funky specimen had the good fortune to be discovered on our way out the door to school. It was safe to slime it's way out of harm before my salt sprinkling experimenters caused it's untimely demise. 

Slug days, I slog along wondering what might squish, sprinkle or scorch my plans. Battling clinical depression most of my life, I know slug days well. A real slug is not brilliant enough to anticipate the pending disastrous possibilities, but since I feel comfortable admitting I am smarter than the average slug, I tend to go into the day focused on myself. How tired I am, how much I have to do, how naughty my kids are, how will I ever make a difference in the world... can you see the slime trail yet?

One might suggest these are two extremes and one should find a middle ground. Possibly. NOT!

Living a superhero day is easier than you think. 

Before feet hit floor we can choose! I have walked through some pretty nasty stuff and been able to find my superhero self by doing these three things:

1) Grab a hold of your thoughts. Our thinkers can squish us or spring us into the next minute, hour, or even the whole day. 

Andy Stanley says this and I have to remember to do it:

A friend gave me a mug I keep close by. This is how I remember I can be a superhero.

2) Shower. Yes, I said the obvious. And as you scrub up, imagine all the yucky, sad, disappointing, funky gunk sliding off of you with the warm water and going down the drain. You don't need a picture of that. 

3) Focus on what you CAN do. So many times we end up circling the drain of our brains with the sludgy water of what we can't control. Take a deep breath. Now exhale... blow out all the tension of the uncontrollables into the air. Bite off what you CAN chew for the day, encourage someone, SMILE. 

YOU are capable of being a superhero. 

If you have any doubt left. Buy superhero socks. I did. Trust me. It helps! 

If you are stuck in slug mode, I am happy to help. Not every day will be a superhero day, but most days can be. You can reach me at the email address below or on my website where we can set up time to talk about how to Live Courageous!

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

What's your "Why?"

I have wrestled with what to say here, my first post on Live Courageous! In order to break the blog-jam in my head, I start here... 

What's my "Why?"

I started Live Courageous Coaching because I want to help people thrive in their lives. 

I spent countless years feeling stuck or helpless to change my circumstances. I am a woman of faith and spent hours in prayer and Bible studies trying to break loose from those feelings. I tried time management, self-help, and motivational books only to discover at the end of it all  --- wherever I go, whatever I do, there I am! I was exhausted from getting in my own way, trying to "fix" myself and my circumstances so I could feel better about being me.  

And then, I crashed.

Crushed by my own efforts to reinvent myself, I broke. 

The writing on the wall just said STOP!

Which was fine. I couldn't function anyway. 

I will blog about the season that began this life altering shift another time. The key point for today is: Back then I would have said my "Why?" was to "make me feel better about being me (and being brutally honest - to make you feel better about me)". I didn't believe God when He said I was valuable - See Psalm 139. After quite a length of time I can only describe as "re-calibrating", my "Why?" is no longer based on ME. 

My "Why?" is 

Helping YOU pursue YOUR passion. 

I thrive because I am no longer focused on ME. My hard-wired God-given design is to call out the greatness in YOU. 

I need to show up. For YOU. 

Because YOU matter and YOU need to know that there is someone out here who believes in YOU. Even when you don't. Regardless of how stuck you feel. You don't have to stay there. I can help you, because I know the pain. I know the process. I know the other side -- well, okay, I am on the other side but new challenges arise daily. 

Like the airplane safety manual says, you must put your own mask on first before you assist others. Getting yourself "unstuck" by discovering your purpose and pursuing your passion will free you to attend to the people and responsibilities in your life. I am clearly focused on my beloved ones, living my purpose in my home first and then beyond. 

What is your "Why?"

Why do you do what you do? 

If you don't know, I'm happy to help. Please contact me at

One of my favorite verses is the beautiful simplicity of Micah 6:8 in The Message:

"But He's already made it plain how to live, what to do, what God is looking for in men and women. It's quite simple: Do what is fair and just to your neighbor, be compassionate and loyal in your love, and don't take yourself too seriously -- take God seriously."